Due to widespread influenza, unvaccinated staff must wear masks in patient areas until further notice.
Licensed Home Health Care for someone you love since 1977

More Information
FLU SEASON Declared! 2024-2025 in New York State.
New York State Department of Health has declared the Flu prevalent in the state on 12/18/24. Caregivers need to be immunized or be wearing Masks with their Clients.
Please see our PDF Document to the right.
NYC Worker Rights
NYC Worker Rights - Know your rights at work.
Please see the PDF to the right.
COVID-19 Pre-Screening
Covid-19 Pre-Screening -Did you know that as a homecare employee you’re required to complete daily self-COVID-19 screens and report any symptoms to your Attentive Care Supervisor?
Please see the PDF to the right.
Protect Yourself and the Spread of COVID-19
Simple steps help stop the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.
Please see the PDF to the right
Please see our PDF Document to the right.